The following 10 photographs were taken in succession.
World Capital of Drawbridges
Chicago River drawbridges lift as boats make their seasonal trek to warmer climates or storage facilities from Lake Michigan docks on Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022. This takes place around April in the spring toward Lake Michigan as the season warms, and in late September and throughout October as the Chicago River and lake begin to freeze, as seen here. Three levels of the city along the Chicago River — the river level, lower street level, and the street level where the bridges are raised — were filled with excited locals and tourists alike, in Chicago, Illinois.
While not officially a port city, Chicago continues to transfer goods throughout the Chicago River, Lake Michigan, and the other Great Lakes, and is the world capital drawbridges, with 37 movable bridges throughout the city limits. The engineering marvel of these bridges is incredible alone, with several being double-decker bridges. Some include either dual levels of streets and others include streets at lower levels and L train tracks on upper levels. As if this were not enough, the bridges are also aesthetically beautiful and line a glistening river surrounded by historic world-class architecture.
October 1, 2022. Chicago, IL USA. Photo by Athir.
1/80 (f/5 ISO 100, 34mm)
October 1, 2022. Chicago, IL USA. Photo by Athir.
1/8 (f/4.5 ISO 100, 34mm)
October 1, 2022. Chicago, IL USA. Photo by Athir.
1/100 (f/5.6 ISO 100, 34mm)
October 1, 2022. Chicago, IL USA. Photo by Athir.
1/200 (f/8 ISO 100, 34mm)
October 1, 2022. Chicago, IL USA. Photo by Athir.
1/80 (f/5.6 ISO 100, 34mm)
October 1, 2022. Chicago, IL USA. Photo by Athir.
1/15 (f/4.5 ISO 100, 34mm)
October 1, 2022. Chicago, IL USA. Photo by Athir.
1/160 (f/8 ISO 100, 34mm)
October 1, 2022. Chicago, IL USA. Photo by Athir.
1/13 (f/4.5 ISO 100, 34mm)
October 1, 2022. Chicago, IL USA. Photo by Athir.
1/6 (f/4.5 ISO 100, 34mm)
October 1, 2022. Chicago, IL USA. Photo by Athir.
1/200 (f/8 ISO 100, 34mm)
We were actually in Seattle this past week and I began photographing Gasworks Park until I realized that the Chicago River bridge lifts were confirmed for Saturday, October 1. So I got up earlier than I ever would on a Saturday morning after landing late in Chicago on a Friday night. Because, the bridges.
While waiting for the bridges to lift, I was initially tempted to photograph random buildings, the moody morning waters, boats, sky, and other scenery, but stopped when I realized I only had 10 photos to pay homage to the Chicago bridges on this day, even if the photos looked similar. So I made sure to wait long enough between shots so they were different enough. To me, they look very different but I was more bothered by being tethered to one place when all the action started to happen. I may have moved for the last photograph, but that was more due to the excitement elicited not only by myself, but also by the masses moving west toward the beautifully choreographed architectural symphony. Open, close, open, close.
The limitation of not being able to move or use a wide or long lens to capture the entire majestic nature of the lifting and lowering bridges made me feel very frustrated. Since I prefer being out and about with my camera, this felt no different from being tied to a tripod. Therefore, I began video recording and photographing one of my favorite events with my iPhone while I took photos with my Canon so I could fulfill the assignment, but not miss out on some breathtaking moments.
Right: This is a photo I took, but it was shot at 20mm and I had moved. But I love how it catches all the birds flying away just as the bridge audibly locks into place. I can still hear it in the photo.
October 1, 2022. Chicago, IL USA. Photo by Athir.